Vincent Johnson
Senior Data AnalystIf Variety is the spice of life, the best culinary analogy to my life may be a Sichuanese restaurant. Since graduating from California State University, Los Angeles with a degree in Business Administration – Finance & Economics, my resume has been peppered with stints as a traditional jazz pianist, chauffeur, antiques dealer, financial auditor, dog-walker, administrative assistant, math teacher at a Chinese Language School, sales tax accountant, and now, as a data analyst at D.Law. Despite the apparent disparity in these experiences, they share a common thread – a relentless pursuit of knowledge and understanding that has defined my professional and personal life.
At D.Law, I collaborate across teams to compose financial and operational models. Our aim is to harness data and champion employee rights in California, pioneering forward-thinking solutions. Armed with Excel proficiency and the wisdom gleaned from my years in public accounting, I wield my skills as both a sword and shield. Being part of this dynamic team is an honor and a source of immense joy. Here, achievements are not resting points; they are milestones on a journey marked by thoughtful collaboration and innovation.
Outside of the office, you can find me running in the hills of Alhambra and Monterey Park, practicing for my next piano performance, or tending to the chili peppers in my garden. I proudly serve on the Board of Directors for the non-profit West Coast Ragtime Society.
In 2014, one of my ragtime piano compositions clinched victory at the World Championship Old-Time Piano Playing – New Rag Contest.