4 New Employment Laws That Can Affect You in 2024

Employment laws in California are evaluated, changed, and created annually. 2024 brings new laws that can directly affect workers in The Golden State. Here is an overview of just three of the changes in the law that employees need to know about.
1) Raise in the Minimum Wage
The minimum wage is increased from $15.50 to $16.00 per hour. Local ordinances may require even greater pay. For example, those employed in the city of San Diego, and work at least two hours in one work week must be paid at least $16.85 per hour.
The pay for salaried employees who are exempt from overtime pay must be increased to two times the minimum wage. That means a minimum of $66,560 annual salary or $5,546.67 per month for the employee to maintain exempt status.
2) Expanded Leave Rights
Paid sick leave is increased from 24 hours or three days to 40 hours or five days. The California Labor Commission Office (LCO) has information sheets for employees that are available in English and Spanish so employees can be informed about all the nuances of this law and how it applies to them. Some counties require employers to provide more sick leave.
There are eligibility requirements according to how long the employee has worked for the same employer, but if the employee is eligible, paid sick leave includes time off for the following:
- To recover from any illness, including mental illness, or an injury.
- To search for a diagnosis, treatment, or preventive care.
- To care for a family member who is undergoing treatment or search for a diagnosis.
Another leave applies specifically to those who have suffered a reproductive loss such as a miscarriage or stillbirth. It also applies to a failed adoption or failed surrogacy.
3) Off-Duty Cannabis Use
Although current law allows for off-duty cannabis use, the new law expands protection for off-duty use. Employers with five or more employees cannot reject a potential employee for failing a drug test due to a finding of THC in a bodily fluid test of urine, blood, or other bodily fluid.
There are exemptions from this law, such as for construction workers and for employers who are mandated by federal or other state laws to not hire those who test positive for THC.
Generally, employers are not allowed to discipline an employee for off-duty use unless the employee is cannabis-impaired at the workplace.
Contact D.Law to Learn More About New Employment Laws for 2024
If you have questions about whether your employer is implementing the new laws or any questions about other new employment laws not discussed here, contact your employment lawyer at D.Law either online or by calling (818) 275-5799. We serve those in the Bay Area, San Diego, Fresno, LA, and other areas of California. They represent employees who have been subject to illegal actions by their employers.

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