4 Good Things To Know About the Pay Transparency for Pay Equity Bill

Pay Transparency for Pay Equity seeks to decrease the gap in pay disparity between similar jobs performed by different groups of employees or contract workers. The bill makes it possible for pay data to become public data where groups and individuals can recognize discrimination and make positive changes based on reported data. Here are a few important things to know should this bill pass legislation.
1. Pay Transparency for Pay Equity Increases pay-data reporting requirements
One key aspect of the labor force involves contract workers. The pay transparency for Pay Equity would make the reporting of wages and benefits a requirement for contract workers. These are often very exploitable groups of workers and can include women and minorities, some of whom have very little understanding of their rights under the California Labor Code. Many contract workers are paid less than similar workers who are employees and receive few if any benefits.
2. Pay Data Becomes Public Record
Bringing pay data into the public realm means that organizations and workers can examine the data and advocate for changes where appropriate. Pay Transparency for Pay Equity is an opportunity to advocate for changes that include fair pay and also helps to monitor at-risk groups for discrimination through accountability regarding race, gender, and pay inequities. The bill empowers equality by making data public which benefits employees of all races and genders. This will enable action to begin rectifying disparities in earnings, especially for women and people of color.
3. Employers Would Be Required to Post Wage Ranges in Advertisement for Jobs
The bill would end vague job postings by requiring employers to list salary or wage ranges in every job posting. Currently, the lack of standards for job postings enables opportunities to pay groups of people at different levels based on gender, sexuality, and race. By forcing employers to list job salaries and wage ranges, applicants can make better decisions about which jobs to apply for in Califorina and what the expectations are for payment, benefits, etc.
4. Requires Employers to Post Promotions Internally
By forcing employers to post promotional opportunities internally, more workers will have access to opportunities that advance their careers, pay, and benefits. The process means that groups of workers who are often overlooked for promotion will have better access to advanced jobs rather than companies hiring outside employees of non-discriminated groups, for more lucrative positions.
Reach out to DLaw Today With Your Wage Related Questions And Concerns
Pay Transparency for Pay Equality will empower positive changes within employment law and afford greater protection for groups of workers, especially women and people of color. If you think you’re currently facing wage issues at your job, please contact DLaw today at (818)-275-5799.

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