The AB-257: FAST Recovery Act: A Critical Update
AB-257 (part of the Fast Recovery Act) is one of the many tools that hopes to bring the California economy back online following the derailment caused by COVID-19. The big update is that implementation of the law is on hold by a Superior Court Judge. Here is what you need to know.
Signed Into Law – Almost
Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 257 into law in September 2022. Opponents of the law were able to get an injunction by filing a lawsuit and were awarded a temporary “stay,” because a petition to put the matter before the California Voters had enough signatures to take the matter out of the California Government’s hands and place the debate into the hands of voters across the state.
AB-257 Fast Recovery Act, though signed, is not in effect, and it will not be in effect before the 2024 elections in California.
At the Heart of the Law
The law would enable the State of California to deal with wage matters between an employer and a group of employees. In this case, the law addresses the wages and working conditions of fast food workers across the state. The law would raise the minimum wage of fast food workers to $22 per hour.
More important is the fact that AB-257 Fast Recovery Act sets up a council that includes key players in one of California’s largest industries. Those include:
- State of California Officials
- Franchise owners
- Corporate leaders
The goal is to regulate the fast food industry including setting wage restrictions and addressing working conditions to keep fast food workers safe and earning a livable wage.
It is important to consider how fast-food jobs have changed. In the past, many fast food employees were teenagers. Today, fast food workers are not all in their teenage years and many are moms and dads trying to earn enough money to support their families. The demographic of fast food workers has changed. AB-257 is trying to address those changes including minimum wage laws that are fair to the industry – worker, franchise, and corporate.
The Road Ahead
January 25, 2023 is the next hurdle. The Counties involved have until then to verify that the petition has enough valid signatures to please the Secretary of State. If so, the issues and bill will appear on the 2024 California Election ballots for voters to decide.
If not, The petition will not be accepted and those against implementing the AB-257 Fact Recovery Act will have to withdraw the petition and seek another way to stop the law from going into effect.
Stay tuned for more information about the plight of AB-257. If you are an employee in California and feel that your employer does not pay you correctly or threatens you with termination or punishment if you do not comply with their rules, seek out the help of an Employment lawyer.
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Davtyan Law is an employment law firm that helps employees stand up for their rights. Learn more about how we can help you by reaching out to our team at (818) 275-5799.
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